
Cohan, D.S. (2022). Confronting Climate Gridlock: How Diplomacy, Technology, and Policy Can Unlock a Clean Energy Future. Yale University Press. Available via Indiebound Amazon Kindle audio book. Second place, Rachel Carson Environment Book Award

Peer-reviewed articles

Luo, L., D.S. Cohan, R. Gurung, R.T. Venterea, L. Ran, V. Benson, and Y. Yuan (2024). Impacts assessment of nitrification inhibitors on U.S. agricultural emissions of reactive nitrogen gases. Journal of Environmental Management, 359, 121043.

Chen, C., D. Merino-Garcia, T.D.G.H. Lines, and D.S. Cohan (2024). Geothermal power generation potential in the United States by 2050. Environmental Research: Energy, 1(2).

Luo, L., D.S. Cohan, C.A. Masiello, T.E. Lychuk, and X. Gao (2023). Agroecosystem modeling of reactive nitrogen emissions from U.S. agricultural soils with carbon amendments. Biochar, 5(72).

Doss-Gollin, J., Y. Amonkar, K. Schmeltzer, and D.S. Cohan (2023). Improving the Representation of Climate Risks in Long-Term Electricity Systems Planning: a Critical Review. Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports.

Luo, L., L. Ran, Q.Z. Rasool, and D.S. Cohan (2022). Integrated Modeling of U.S. Agricultural Soil Emissions of Reactive Nitrogen and Associated Impacts on Air Pollution, Health, and Climate. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(13), 9265–9276.

Morse, R., S. Salvatore, J.H. Slusarewicz, and D.S. Cohan (2022). Can wind and solar replace coal in Texas? Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar, 9(1).

Chen, C., D.C. McCabe, L.E. Fleischman, and D.S. Cohan (2022). Black carbon emissions and associated health impacts of gas flaring in the United States. Atmosphere, 13(3), 385. doi:10.3390/atmos13030385 GitHub for data and code

Xu, A., T. Loch-Temzelides, C. Adiole, N. Botton, S.G. Dee, C.A. Masiello, M. Osborn, M.A. Torres, and D.S. Cohan (2022). Race, Local Pollution, and COVID-19 Deaths in Texas. Scientific Reports 12, 1022,

Goldman, G., A. Desikan, R. Morse, C. Kalman, T. MacKinney, D.S. Cohan, G. Reed, and J. Parras (2021). Assessment of Air Pollution Impacts and Monitoring Data Limitations of a Spring 2019 Chemical Facility Fire. Environmental Justice. doi:10.1089/env.2021.0030.

Wang, J., D.S. Cohan, and H. Xu (2020). Spatiotemporal ozone pollution LUR models: Suitable statistical algorithms and time scales for a megacity scale. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117671

Rasool, Q.Z., J.O. Bash, and D.S. Cohan (2019). Mechanistic representation of soil nitrogen emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v 5.1. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 849-878. doi:10.5194/gmd-2018-276.

Slusarewicz, J.H., and D.S. Cohan (2018). Assessing solar and wind complementarity in Texas. Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar, 5(7), doi:10.1186/s40807-018-0054-3. Data repository.

Strasert, B., S.C. Teh, and D.S. Cohan (2018). Air quality and health benefits from potential coal power plant closures in Texas. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 69(3), 333-350. doi:10.1080/10962247.2018.1537984

Zhang, R., A.T. White, A. Pour Biazar, R.T. McNider, D.S. Cohan (2018). Incorporating GOES satellite photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) retrievals to improve biogenic emission estimates in Texas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123(2), doi:10.1002/2017JD026792.

Sanchez, N.P., C. Zheng, W. Ye, B. Czader, D.S. Cohan, F.K. Tittel, R.J. Griffin (2018). Exploratory study of atmospheric methane enhancements derived from natural gas use in the Houston urban area. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 261-272. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.01.001.

Pourhashem, G., Q.Z. Rasool, R. Zhang, K.B. Medlock, D.S. Cohan, and C.A. Masiello (2017). Valuing the air quality effects of biochar reductions on soil NO emissions. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 9856-9863. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b00748.

Krakauer, N.Y., and D.S. Cohan (2017). Interannual variability and seasonal predictability of wind and solar resources. Resources, 6(3). doi:10.3390/resources6030029.

Zhang, R., A. Cohan, A. Pour-Biazar, and D.S. Cohan (2017). Source apportionment of biogenic contributions to ozone formation over the United States. Atmospheric Environment, 164, 8-19. doi:10.106/j.atmosenv.2017.05.044

Sengupta, S., and D.S. Cohan (2017). Fuel Cycle Emissions and Life Cycle Costs of Alternative Fuel Vehicle Policy Options for the City of Houston Municipal Fleet. Transportation Research D, 54, 160-171. doi:10.106/j.trd.2017.04.039

Rasool, Q.Z., R. Zhang, B. Lash, D.S. Cohan, E. Cooter, J. Bash, L.N. Lamsal (2016). Enhanced representation of soil NO emissions in the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.0.2. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3177-3197. doi:10.5194/gmd-9-3177-2016

Tao, Z., A. Kokas, R. Zhang, D.S. Cohan, and D. Wallach (2016). Inferring atmospheric particulate matter concentrations from Chinese social media data. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161389

Cohan, D.S., N.Y. Krakauer, J.J. Corbett, D. Rife, R. Zhang, A.R. Halberstadt, and L.Y. Parks (2016). Could cuts in sulfur from coal and ships help explain the 2015 spurt in Northern Hemisphere temperatures. Earthzine, published May 20, 2016.

Rife, D., N.Y. Krakauer, D.S. Cohan, J.C. Collier (2016). A new kind of drought: U.S. record low windiness in 2015. Earthzine, published June 10, 2016.

Cohan, D.S., and S. Sengupta (2016). Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions Savings from Natural Gas Substitutions in Vehicles, Furnaces, and Power Plants. International Journal of Global Warming, 9(2), 254-273, doi:10.1504/IJGW.2016.074960.

Tang, W., D.S. Cohan, A. Pour-Biazar, L.N. Lamsal, X. Xiao, W. Zhou, B.H. Henderson, and B. Lash (2015). Influence of satellite-derived photolysis rates and NOx emissions on Texas ozone modeling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 1601-1619, doi:10.5194/acp-15-1601-2015.

Zhu, L., D.J. Jacob, L.J. Mickley, E.A. Marais, D.S. Cohan, Y. Yoshida, B.N. Duncan, G. Gonzalez Abad, and K. Chance (2014). Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds in eastern Texas inferred from oversampling of satellite (OMI) measurements of HCHO columns. Environmental Research Letters, 9(11), doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/114004.

Cohan, D.S., and R. Chen (2014). Modeled and observed fine particulate matter reductions from state attainment demonstrations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64(9), 995-1002, doi: 10.1080/10962247.2014.905509.

Zhou, W., D.S. Cohan, and B.H. Henderson (2014). Slower ozone production in Houston, Texas, following emission reductions: evidence from Texas Air Quality Studies in 2000 and 2006. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 2777-2788, doi:10.5194/acp-14-2777-2014.

Tang, W., D.S. Cohan, L.N. Lamsal, X. Xiao, and W. Zhou (2013). Inverse modeling of Texas NOx emissions using space-based and ground-based NO2 observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 11005-11018, doi:10.5194/acp-13-11005-2013.

Zhou, W., D.S. Cohan, and S.L. Napelenok (2013). Reconciling NOx emissions reductions and ozone trends in the U.S., 2002–2006. Atmospheric Environment 70, 236-244, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv/2012.12.038.

Digar, A., D.S. Cohan, X. Xiao, K.M. Foley, B. Koo, and G. Yarwood (2013). Constraining ozone-precursor responsiveness using ambient measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(2), 1005-1019, doi:10.1029/2012JD018100.

Pegues, A.H., D.S. Cohan, A. Digar, C. Douglass, and R.S. Wilson (2012). Efficacy of recent state implementation plans for 8-hour ozone. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62, 252-261, doi: 10.1080/10473289.2011.646049.

Zhou, W., D.S. Cohan, R.W. Pinder, J.A. Neuman, J.S. Holloway, J. Peischl, T.B. Ryerson, J.B. Nowak, F. Flocke, and W.G. Zheng (2012). Observation and modeling of the evolution of Texas power plant plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 455-468, doi:10.5194/acp-12-455-2012.

Cohan, D.S., and S.L. Napelenok (2011). Atmospheric response modeling for decision support. Atmosphere, 2(3), 407-425. doi:10.3390/atmos2030407.

Digar, A., D.S. Cohan, and M.L. Bell (2011). Uncertainties influencing health-based prioritization of ozone abatement strategies. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 7761-7767. doi: 10.1021/es200165n .

Cohan, D.S., and C. Douglass (2011). Potential emissions reductions from grandfathered coal power plants in the United States. Energy Policy, 39(9), 4816-4822, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.039.

Wang, X., Y. Zhang, Y. Hu, W. Zhou, L. Zeng, M. Hu, D.S. Cohan, A.G. Russell (2011). Decoupled direct sensitivity analysis of regional ozone pollution over the Pearl River Delta during the PRIDE-PRD2004 campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 45(28), 4941-4949, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.06.006.

Tang, W., D.S. Cohan, G.A. Morris, D.W. Byun, and W.T. Luke (2011). Influence of vertical mixing uncertainties on ozone simulation in CMAQ. Atmospheric Environment, 45(17), 2898-2909. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.01.057.

Ji, M., D.S. Cohan, and M.L. Bell (2011). Meta-analysis of the association between short-term exposure to ambient ozone and respiratory hospital admissions. Environmental Research Letters, 6, 11 pp., doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024006.

Digar, A., D.S. Cohan, D.D. Cox, B.-Y. Kim, and J.W. Boylan (2011). Likelihood of achieving air quality targets under model uncertainties. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(1), 189-196. doi: 10.1021/es102581e.

Cohan, D.S. (2011). An energy and environment undergraduate course emphasizing comparative metrics. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, 137(2), 64-68. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000045.

Xiao, X., D.S. Cohan, D.W. Byun, and F. Ngan (2010). Highly nonlinear ozone formation in the Houston region and implications for emissions controls. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2010JD014435.

Digar, A., and D.S. Cohan (2010). Efficient characterization of pollutant-emission response under parametric uncertainty. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(17), 6724-6730, doi:10.1021/es903743t.

Cohan, D.S., B. Koo, and G. Yarwood (2010). Influence of uncertain reaction rates on ozone sensitivity to emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 44(26), 3101-3109, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.05.034.

Tian, D., M.S. Bergin, D.S. Cohan, S. Napelenok, Y. Hu, M. Chang, A.G. Russell (2010). Uncertainty analysis of ozone formation and response to emission controls using high-order sensitivities. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 60, 797-804, doi:10.3155/1047-3289.60.7.797.

Kim, S., D.W. Byun, and D. Cohan (2009). Contributions of inter- and intra-state emissions to ozone over Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 26, 103-116, doi:10.1080/10286600802005364.

Jin, L., S. Tonse, D.S. Cohan, X. Mao, R.A. Harley, and N.J. Brown (2008). Direct sensitivity analysis of ozone formation in California's San Joaquin Valley. Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 3683-3689, doi:10.1021/es072069d.

Bergin, M.S., A.G. Russell, M.T. Odman, D.S. Cohan, and W.L. Chameides (2008). Single-source impact analysis using 3D air quality models. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 58, 1351-1359.

Napelenok, S.L., D.S. Cohan, M.T. Odman, and S. Tonse (2008). Extension and evaluation of sensitivity analysis capabilities in a photochemical model. Environmental Modelling & Software, 23, 994-999.

Cohan, D.S., J.W. Boylan, A. Marmur, and M.N. Khan (2007). An integrated framework for multi-pollutant air quality management and its application in Georgia. Environmental Management, 40, 545-554.

Cohan, D.S., D. Tian, Y. Hu, and A.G. Russell (2006). Control strategy optimization for attainment and exposure mitigation: Case study for ozone in Macon, Georgia. Environmental Management, 38, 451-462.

Cohan, D.S., Y. Hu, and A.G. Russell (2006). Dependence of ozone sensitivity analysis on grid resolution. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 126-135.

Chestnut, L.G., D.S. Cohan, and D.M. Mills (2006). Cost-benefit analysis in the selection of efficient multipollutant strategies. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56, 530-536.

Greenwald, R., M.H. Bergin, J. Xu, D. Cohan, G. Hoogenboom, and W.L. Chameides (2006). The influence of aerosols on crop production: A study using the CERES crop model. Agricultural Systems, 89, 390-413.

Napelenok, S.L., D.S. Cohan, Y. Hu, and A.G. Russell (2006). Decoupled direct 3D sensitivity analysis for particulate matter. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 6112-6121.

Cohan, D.S., A. Hakami, Y. Hu, and A.G. Russell (2005). Nonlinear response of ozone to emissions: Source apportionment and sensitivity analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 39, 6739-6748.

Cohan, D.S., G.A. Sturrock, A.P. Biazar, and P.J. Fraser (2003). Atmospheric methyl iodide at Cape Grim, Tasmania, from AGAGE observations. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 44, 131-150.

Cohan, D.S., J. Xu, R. Greenwald, M.H. Bergin, and W.L. Chameides (2002). Impact of atmospheric aerosol light scattering and absorption on C-uptake by terrestrial plants. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi:10.1029/2001GB001441.

Cohan, D.S., M.G. Shultz, D.J. Jacob, B.G. Heikes, D.R. Blake (1999). Convective injection and photochemical decay of peroxides in the tropical upper troposphere: Methyl iodide as a tracer of marine convection. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 5717-5724.

Dr. Daniel Cohan
Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rice University
6100 Main Street MS 318
Houston, TX 77005

Phone: 713-348-5129
Office: Ryon 209
Email: cohan 'at'